1、Program 16 Breathe in ,Breathe out!Mr.English:Hello again,every body.I’m Mr.English.I’m talking to you from the future.The year is 2092.Yoko is here,too.Yoko:Hi,everybody.We’re looking for our friends Peter and Tamara.Tamara brought us to the future.Look, Mr. English ! Here’s Peter!Peter:[sadly]Oh,hi,Yoko.Hi,Mr.English.Mr.English:Peter,what’s the matter?Yoko:You look upset.Peter:I am upset.I can’t find Tamara.Yoko:What?!That’s terrible.Mr.English:Now,let’s calm down.Was Tamara with you?Peter:Yes,she was with me,and then suddenly,she wasn’t!Yoko:But without Tamara,we can’t go back to the past!Peter:Without Tamara,I don’t want to go back to the past.I don’t want to do anything.Mr.English:I’m sure she’ll come back.Yoko:She has to come back.I want to go home.I don’t like the future anymore.Mr.English:Now,let’s not lose our cool.Let’s just relax,and everything will be fine.Peter:I can’t relax.I’m too nervous.[He starts to leave.]I’ll see you later.Mr.English:Peter,where are you going?Peter:I must find Tamara.I have to find her!Yoko:Peter,wait!Mr.English:We’d better think about this carefully.Yoko:Right.We need to make a plan.Peter:A plan?Mr.English:Yes.We have got to stay calm!WHEN THE WORLD LOOKS DARK,TAKE A WALK IN THE PARKOR TAKE A SHOWER.IF THE ANSWER ISN’T HERE,WELL,THE ANSWER WILL APPEAR IN AN HOUROR TWO.BUT FIRST YOUNEED TO CALM DOWN.YOU MUST STAY COOL.YOU’VE GOT TO TAKE IT EASY,AND YOU’D BETTER FOLLOW A VERY SIMPLE RULE:IF YOU’RE FEELING WORRIED,OR CONFUSED,OR SCARED TO DEATH,YOU HAVE TO STOP…AND TAKE A BREATH!BREATHE IN,BREATHE OUT!BUT I DON’T WANT TO CALM DOWN!YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!I DON’T WANT TO STAY COOL!YOU MUST STAY COOL!I DON’T WANT TO TAKE IT EASY!YOU’VE GOT TO TAKE IT EASY!I DON’T WANT TO FOLLOW A VERY SIMPLE RULE!YOU’D BETTER FOLLOW A VERY SIMPLE RULE:IF YOU’RE FELLING WORRIED,OR CONFUSED,OR SCARED TO DEATH,YOU HAVE TO STOP…AND TAKE A BREATH!BREATHE IN,BREATHE OUT!BREATHE IN,BREATHE OUT!BREATHE IN,BREATHE OUT!Mr.English:I have an idea.Let’s find Moktar,Tamara’s teacher.Peter:Great idea!He can take us to Tamara.Yoko:And maybe he can take us back to the past.[We hear strange music.]Moktar:The past?Why do you want to go there?Yoko:Moktar!Peter:Moktar,I can’t find Tamara.Moktar:Well,don’t worry.She’s around,somewhere.Peter:Bnt where?Moktar:Who knows?Yoko:Do you know the way to the past?Moktar:Oh,no.I don’t like to travel in time.Yoko:[beginning to cry]Oh,now I’ll never get home. Now I’m really upset.Moktar:Don’t be upset.Yoko:Well,why won’t you help us?Moktar:In the twenty-first century,most people can find all the answers to their own questions.Peter:Do you use a special computer?Moktar:[laughing]Not exactly.But we do know how to use our own mind.YOU DON’T HAVE TO WONDER WHY.YOU DON’T NEED TO CRY.YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOOK TOO FAR TO FIND A FRIEND.HE’S RIGHT BESIDE YOUTO GUIDE YOU ROUND THE BEND.YOU DON’T HAVE TO TALK TOO LOUD,EVEN IN A CROUD.YOU DON’T NEED TO LOOK TOO FAR TO SEE THE LIGHT.JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES,ANDYOU’RE WISE ALL DAY AND NIGHT!YOU’VE GOT ALL THE ANSWERSIN YOUR MIND.JUST LISTEN TO YOURSELF,AND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE KEY.YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRYCAUSE THE ANSWERS ALWAYS COME FREE.Peter:That’s a very nice thought,but it’s too easy.Sometimes the answers are not so clear.And sometimes we need time to understand things,and to decide wat to do.YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT TOO LONG.JUST LISTEN TO YOUR SONG.YOU DON’T NEED TO THANK TOO HARD TO MAKE A CHOICE.THE ANWER’S CLEAR,ANDYOU’VE HEARING YOUR OWN VOICE!YOU’VE GOT ALL THE ANSWERSIN YOUR MIND.JUST LISTEN TO YOURSELF.AND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE KEY.YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRYCAUSE THE ANSWERS ALWAYS COME FREE.Moktar:So you see,there’s no need to worry.Just be calm.And the answers will come.[He disappears!]Yoko:How can I be calm?I’m nervous!Peter:And I’m in love.Yoko:Don’t worry,Peter,Tamara will come back.I know she will.[Tamara’s music]Tamara:Of course,I will.Peter:Tamara!Yoko:Oh,Tamara,thank goodness!Tamara:Were you worried?Peter:Worried?I was worried to death!Mr.English:It’s good to see you,Tamara.Even I was a little bit worried. And I almost never get worried.Peter:Where were you,Tamara?Tamara:I was…Well,I was doing a little research.Yoko:Research?Tamara:Yes.I was studying about the past.Peter:Oh,no!Not again!Yoko:Tamara,you don’t need to study anymore.You know enough!Mr.English:Now let’s all relax,because on our next show,we’re going to have a little problem with police.And we have to go to the court!But that’s all for now—until the next time—on a ticket to tommorrow!我自己打的,好累啊!一定要给分啊,谢谢了你也是深外的?program 16 太多了。
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