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Video+Hand painting|Appreciate the grace of Lingnan on June 22nd

2023-06-22 10:03:54来源:羊城派


June 22nd, or the fifth day of the lunar month of May, marks the Dragon Boat Festival.


Dragon Boat Festival is the first festival in China to be recognized as a"UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage", and its cultural allure has remained undiminished for millennia.

Today, we invite you to board a dragon boat for a picturesque journey, travelling from the banks of the Pearl River to the waterside villages, to the shores of the vast sea, and discovering the unique beauty of the Dragon Boat Festival along the tranquil waterways.

Foshan · Steamed Zongzi Wrapped in Lotus Leaves: Abundant ingredients carry the fragrance of lotus leaves.

Heshan · Mung Bean with Husk Zongzi: Mung beans with their husks intact, creating a smoother and more aromatic texture.

Chaoshan · Dual-flavored Zongzi: Both sweet and savory, winning the hearts of food lovers.

Zhanjiang · Duck-shaped Zongzi: Making Duck-shaped Zongzi, paddling dragon boats on the sea, and flying kites in the wind, the coastal city exudes its charm with various activities!

监制|郑华如 黄建隽统筹|纪映云创意、文案|魏礼园 孙婷婷手绘|范英兰视频|何晓晨 范英兰旁白|钟予嘉(6岁)翻译|刘佳慧校对|彭继业来源|羊城晚报·羊城派责编|王瑜瑛




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